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Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for August 2024

Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for August 2024

August 2024 Fiscal Year 2024
Calendar Year 2024
YoY(%) Volume
YoY(%) Volume
Production Domestic Production 30,023 92.0 185,499 100.6 315,091 100.0
Overseas Production 36,614 87.6 172,845 83.8 305,971 87.1
Total 66,637 89.5 358,344 91.7 621,062 93.2
Sales *
Registrations Total 3,608 123.9 15,973 92.6 28,015 89.3
Minicars Total 5,443 121.0 25,334 131.7 48,504 145.4
Total 9,051 122.1 41,307 113.2 76,519 118.2
Exports Total 18,639 95.2 97,114 105.1 152,163 100.4

* Includes imports to Japan

[ Summary : August 2024 ]

< Domestic Production >
August 2024 ・・・・・ First monthly year-on-year decrease in 2 months since June, 2024
( 92.0% year-on-year )

< Overseas Production >
August 2024 ・・・・・ Sixth consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since February, 2024
( 87.6% year-on-year )

< Total Production >
August 2024 ・・・・・ Sixth consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since February, 2024
( 89.5% year-on-year )

< Domestic Sales >
August 2024 ・・・・・ First consecutive monthly year-on-year increase since July, 2024
( 122.1% year-on-year )

< Exports >
August 2024 ・・・・・ First monthly year-on-year decrease in 3 months since May, 2024
( 95.2% year-on-year )

Supplemental Information

< Overseas Production >
Asia      35,515 units : 86.6% year-on-year
Thailand     15,808 units : 78.0% year-on-year
Indonesia     13,097 units : 87.1% year-on-year

< Exports >
Asia     135 units : 75.8% year-on-year
North America     9,112 units : 119.8% year-on-year
Europe     364 units : 10.3% year-on-year

SOURCE: Mitsubishi Motors

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